The Division of Information Systems (DIS) billing department is responsible for the billing of all services provided by DIS.
DIAMONDS is a web-based solution that allows DIS to provide online billing, order management and usage analysis. All services provided by DIS will be billed through DIAMONDS.
For first-time users needing access to DIAMONDS, or help resetting a password, please contact the billing team.
Once you receive an email notification regarding the invoices being available, log in to with the credentials provided by DIS.
Click on “View Reports”, then search by “Title”. The invoices are added to the website using the last day of the billing month. In the “Title” box, using the last day of the billing month, type the following format *YYYYMMDD. For example, if searching for the September 2021 invoices, type *20210930. Please be sure to add the asterisk (*). It is necessary to return invoices.
DIS Billing Rates
Federal regulations and state law require DIS to operate as a cost recovery agency.
DIS monitors excessive fund balances for each service on a periodic basis. Fund balance is derived from the revenue generated by billable rates and the expenses incurred to provide each service. When revenue and expense become misaligned, rate adjustments are necessary to keep the fund balance in line with federal regulations and state law.
If you have any questions about the rate adjustments, please contact your DIS account manager at
Contact Us
Phone: 501.682.4010